Q: Where you are based?
A: I am a San Diego photographer. I shoot on-location, which makes it easier for little newborns and their parents since it's in the comfort of your home. I promise I won't judge if you're wearing sweatpants with spit-up on them. Q: Why photography? Why now? Why newborns? A: I've always enjoyed photography, but I wasn't confident enough yet in my abilities. I guess a nice perk of getting older is that you throw caution to the wind and just go for it! If you see me around a baby, you'll know why I chose newborn photography. I have to talk myself through sometimes. I will not be a baby hog at this party where not everyone knows me. I will act like a respectable, sane adult. Q:So, have you quit your day job? A: No, I am a high school teacher, and I love that I get paid for essentially being a nerd! Q: What else are you passionate about? A: Food! I love to eat. I'm the type of person who thinks about what I want to eat for dinner as I'm eating breakfast. Q: Canon or Nikon? A: I'm a Canon gal :) Q:Coffee or tea? A: Both! My favorite teas are Earl Grey and chai. If you get a chance, try a coconut chai tea. You'll feel like you're on a tropical island. I also love curling up with a latte with lots of foam. Q:Any quirks the public should know about? A: I don't actually like buttered popcorn, but I do like buttered popcorn flavored candy (e.g. buttered popcorn Jelly Beans). I wipe salt off each fry, chip, or cracker that I eat because I dislike overly salty food. I eat breakfast food as dessert after dinner (e.g. ice cream on top of a waffle). I used to hate cheese, but now I know the error of my ways. Q: Are you really interviewing yourself right now? A: Yes...and enjoying it. |